1 Day Old (September 29, 2010) |
ALMOST 7 months (April 17, 2011) |
-Sitting unassisted for long periods of time
-Launching forward from a sitting position to being on his belly
-Catching himself whit his hands when he starts to topple over (I am still nervous about him sitting so someone is ALWAYS there with him)
-Starting to sit in a high chair at a restaurant. Easter brunch was the first time he did this without fussing within 5 minutes.
-Sitting in the cart at the store (picture above)
-He is starting the "pincher" grasp. For example, see the green ball he is holding in the picture? He can grab the fun little things with his thumb and pointer finger
-Oh, and I shouldn't forget to mention that with his big ball like the green one above he grabs the little things with his teeth, pulls the ball away from his mouth, and lets them pop. He thinks that is funny
-Noah eats anything I give him. He eats 3 "solid" food meals a day, and at least 30 oz of formula a day
-He has started to have a FEW "table food" items. When I give him something off of my plate he thinks it is funny and laughs
-If I have him in my lap at meal times, he ALWAYS grabs my plate and food
-He makes a lot of sounds, and is very vocal...but has not yet put syllables together. When he sees something he wants, he grunts or screeches, or makes funny noises
-He knows the answers to "where is..." to things he knows ex: puppy dogs, daddy, mommy, grandma, poppi (my dad), Uncle Josh and Uncle Paul
-He is not yet crawling, but he can get most places he wants to go by rolling or schooching
-Sleeping is our BIGGEST struggle. He is doing VERY well with nap times, but bedtime is a whole beast of its own. Of course, we have been co-sleeping (FYI-before I had Noah I was dead set against co-sleeping, but now I realize that it has many positives) but he needs to start sleeping in his own bed. We are working on it...slowly but surely. (oh, and by own bed I mean a pack and play that is right next to our bed.
-Oh, and he has the biggest personality. And by personality, I mean he knows what he wants and doesn't stop until he gets it. Yes, we have had tantrums...but I love that he is developing into his own person.
Ok, I am sure I am missing something but that is enough for now. And here is a picture until next time:
April 17, 2011 |
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