Here are the stats from the doctor:
Weight: 22.3 pounds (75%)
Height: 30 inches (90%)
Head Circumference: 19 inches (99%)
So, Noah still has a big 'ol head. And yes, it is hard to find clothes to fit over his head. Old Navy clothes-out.
He is wearing clothes that range in size from 9 months to 2T. It really just depends on what the clothes are and the brand. If it is a onesie I can usually stretch it to fit. I am running out of clothes that fit so I guess a shopping trip is in order. I am trying to make the clothes I have last through the summer. He still wears a size 3 diaper, but I will go up a size the next diaper purchase. He has to wear sleep diapers at night because he pees so much at night!
We also bought his first pair(s) of shoes. I really have been against putting shoes on him because 1. shoes are not really necessary until they start walking 2. shoes can interfere with the growth of the feet and 3. I really couldn't bring myself to pay money for shoes that he would wear a few time.
But, with him crawling and standing up I thought it was time for the first shoe purchase. I actually got a great deal on some cute brown sandals for under $5 and then a pair of cute boat shoes at Target. He was so proud of his shoes and we came home and showed everyone. Of course, he has worn each pair once and I haven't put them on him since. Funny enough, he is so big but he has cute little chubby feet. He can fit into shoes for 3-6 months. Maybe his feet will grow last?
He loves to play with his toys and is actually more playing rather than just picking them up. He has quite the temper and will throw things when he is mad. He has learned how to give kisses (we call them smooches) and crawls around smacking his lips all day giving kisses. He loves music and knows how to dance. He is picking up language very quickly and can respond to multiple questions.
I was trying to get a good 9 month picture of him, but as you can see he was refusing to look at the camera because hey....the puzzle is just so much more interesting.
He can pull himself up on anything and hardly stays sitting if there is something to pull himself up on. One of my favorite things to do is get him out of the bed in the morning because he is just standing there waiting on me. He gets so excited when I walk in the room and becomes a dare devil by letting go of the crib.
Oh, and one of the biggest things that has happened in about the last month is how social he has become. He really has always been aware of things going on, but my goodness he is Mr. Social Butterfly. Every time we go out he flirts with EVERYONE. He will try to get the attention of people walking by, he will scream at little kids, he smiles at everyone, he reaches out for total strangers. He loves sitting in the cart at the grocery store and any time we see another baby he screeches, talks, screams, whatever he can think of to get their attention. Most of the time it scares the poor other kid and they do everything they can not to look at Noah.
So, I am going to start looking for a program for him to go to. He just loves interacting with other kids and he loves to play and is so social. I think it is time for him to have some play time. And, I am starting to apply for jobs. I have loved being able to be home with him, but for him I think it is best to put him in a "school" setting.
I was finally able to get him to look at the camera:
I caught him in the middle of playing with his instruments.
We had a really fun Fourth of July weekend. I will post about that later.

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